The waiting is over everyone... No need to ask... The Frantasia Haze Textile Fabric Range is finally here! I couldn't be happier to announce the launch of the Textile Fabrics Collection, it feels like it has taken longer than planned... But the fabrics are now fabulously available on the website!

It has been so exciting in the Studio preparing and planning for the Textile Fabrics Launch. Time has gone into sampling each designs with the finest textile fabrics, to now be able to offer you the most beautiful selection of textile printing fabrics. You will find the most finest fabrics, Crepe De Chine, Duchess Satin, Faux Silk, Classic Poly and Georgette as the Frantasia Haze staple fabrics for your Fashion creations. These Fabulous mix of fabrics have been chosen to suit a variety of use, from dress and blouse design to showstopping outfits and accessories. You will have so much fun designing and creating the most Fabulously Floral Garments and Accessorises for you to wear everyday! Which design will you choose for that showstopping dress!? ... Oh the choices!

It's all about living Bold and Beautiful, making a joyful statement. I have had lots of you asking me if my prints are available in textile fabrics, with many of you wanting to use the Frantasia Haze Floral Designs to create your own blouses and dresses. It has been on the to do list and in planning for a while and I have been super happy to finally get these textile fabrics available for you. So, now, you can get your design head on and let that sewing bee out to create the most stunning fashion wear.
You can find the Colour Match Collection in the mix too, I had to include these beautiful block tones, they pair perfectly with each floral design and will create some showstopping style. Have you got some ideas yet!? Do you have some fabulous visions for your own creations!? ...

Don't forget to share your creations with the Studio... We would LOVE to see your Fabulous Makes! And if you would like any advice on teaming colours or prints, we are hear to help too! Let the Fashion Creations begin ...
Speak soon,
L x