I will start with a BIG Happy New Year! What a well needed, quiet break I have had, I hope you have too! Sometimes all you need is to just doing ... Nothing! I absolutely adore what I do here at Frantasia Haze, but, I also love to switch off and be around the house doing house stuff, whether it's pottering with all sorts of bits and bobs or a little decorating here and there. It's just nice to do those bits of, "nothing".
To be honest I have enjoyed having a quiet Christmas and New Year, because, it's never happened before! However ... I can't wait to have a big family get together again this year and lots of yummy food! It seems strange saying "this years Christmas"... Where did Christmas just gone, go!? I hope you all managed to enjoy some quieter festive time and still treat yourself to some delicious food! I had far too much, as always!

One thing I have enjoyed having a rest from is ... Social Media! I know, it's all about social media and so many people and businesses have been social busy bees all the way through the holidays. I took a full break, no posting, not even logged in to see what's going on, can you believe it!? But, it was great! A break for me is a full break, if you can't take yourself away from it all 100%, is it really time off!? Not for me, I need a full switch off! When I have had a full zone out, switched off break, I am more on it, than you can say, she's on it! Energy levels high, focus at full capacity (just about) and ideas flowing. Now that's what a break is all about, it's not all work and no play!
As much as I have enjoyed switching off and re-charging the batteries, I am all re-energised and ready for the New Year. Or until my next break over Easter! So, what about Frantasia Haze and Me!? Let's start with Frantasia Haze ... What a year 2020 was. Some of Frantasisa Haze's Top Achievements have happened in 2020, from our Small Business Sunday Award, the launch of the Top Selling Fuchsia Lilly Collection and the new launch of our exclusive homeware range. Not only that, Frantasia Haze was ranked #4 Interior Design Company by Creativepool and we managed to put together some showstopping interior projects!
If I could have dreamt how the year would have gone, I would never have thought so well! Of course, the biggest achievement for Frantasia Haze is the continued support by our fabulous customers and followers! It's amazing to me to see the continued support from new and loyal customers to the naturally growing social media following ... All choosing to follow the colourful journey with Frantasia Haze! That will never get old!!!! So...

As we have said goodbye to 2020, what's next for 2021!? Where to start... Well, starting what will be a better year for us all is the New Launch of the latest additions to the Frantasia Haze Homeware collection with an exclusive new year discount! You may have seen the fabulous new homeware accessories, if you haven't, you must! And with an exclusive 20% off homeware special ... get shopping!
I wanted to start the new year with a fabulous promotion for you and beautiful new additions to the homeware collection. Throughout the year, Frantasia Haze will continuously be adding to the Homeware Collection with exclusive pieces, so always keep your eyes open!
Following this, it's exciting times building towards the next collection launching in April, I am sooo very excited about this collection and can not wait to show you the designs! I am sure you will love them as much as we do at Frantasia Haze, not forgetting to mention a few new fabrics joining the Frantasia Haze Fabric team! Before we know it, Spring will be upon us and nature will be working it's magic with blooming flowers, luscious greenery and a gentle warmth from the spring sunshine. Such a beautiful time of the year and a perfect time to launch the next floral collection!

Throughout the year you will see a few new product launches which again, I can not wait to show you! I won't give too much away now, but I have already mentioned the new Textiles Fabric Collection launching in the Summer. A collection of our Top Designs will be available in a stunning mix of textile fabrics. I have loved sampling a selection of textile fabrics and couldn't be happier with the final choices. I am sure all you fashionistas out there and fabulous sewing bee's will adore working with these fabrics and create the most amazing garments. Which of course, we can not wait for you to share with us!
The new Art Print Collection is on the way and designs have gone super well, these will be launching in April too, so the run up to April is a very busy time and April is a Big month for Frantasia Haze! Along the way you will also see new product launches throughout the year, I am keeping these a little quieter as I am still working on ideas and finalising finishing touches before these launch. But, as always, I will keep you posted on all the need to know's!

So, what about me!? ... Well, Frantasia Haze aside, it's very much been work on the house, decorating and deciding on some finishing touches. Also spending time finding the furniture and accessories I have visioned for each room, this takes time, especially when my ideas change! But I am happy to say the house is coming together and towards the end of this year it will pretty much be finished!
Obviously with most of 2020 being in lock down and a lot quieter than usual, I have remembered how important it is to just take time out and appreciate everything that we have. One thing I realised I never do enough of, is just sitting down, sitting down doing nothing, reading a book or even watching TV. I am always up and about doing something, I'm someone who doesn't really not like having anything to do, if that makes sense. But I have realised how important it is to just take some time out, read that book that's been staring at me for months, catch up on a good TV series or just listen to some music. It's now on my to do list every week! What about you!? Are you the same!?
I have also been trying out new recipes for dinner and baking some cakes I have been wanting to bake for ages. Being a big coffee and cake lover, I have missed going out and treating myself, but I have absolutely loved getting the apron on and get back into baking a Victoria sponge, carrot cake, gingerbread and even flapjack. Delicious! Surprisingly my attempts have been edible successes and I am already looking through my cook books to try some more recipes. Bring on the new bakes!
Lastly but by no means least ... Some very exciting news to share, my Husband and I are expecting our first child in a few months time! All going well, happy and healthy! I have been working on the nursery room and it's slowly coming together. Luckily my long to do list before the Christmas break I did manage to get done, which meant I have been able to start the new year with a new note pad and a new to do list. So, I am feeling organised and looking forward to the next chapters ahead for both Frantasia Haze and my growing family! Crazy exciting times ahead but I am ready and looking forward to all the new moments 2021 and beyond has for us!
That's it for now, I hope you are all keeping well and making some me time for yourselves ... Remember ... You always deserve it!
Speak soon,
L x