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Time for Coffee ... & Cake!?

Hi there, what a busy few months it has been. Summer just comes and goes, but it is always welcome and very much used to it's full potential! I've enjoyed everyday so far, in and out of the Studio, the busy days and long nights along with my adventures away with the family. I know officially we still have a few weeks left of Summer, but I see from September as Autumn, September always gives me Autumn feels and I love it, another beautiful season to look forward too!

When it feels like none stop ... You know it's then time to take five and put the kettle on. And what better way than to enjoy a coffee with a delicious slice of cake. So, with it being so busy, I took a few extra days off to recharge and restore all that energy Frantasia Haze has needed over the Summer and those extra few days have been bliss! Time well needed for preparing for a very busy rest of the year.

Over the Summer I was focusing on launching the New Collection, it was all going to plan until we encountered a slight delay in the program we use to develop and edit the designs, which then lead to a few weeks of delaying the launch. This of course has an impact on the rest of the timeline, which had following launches, including new products and a featured design.

After much thought and time re-reviewing the timeline and re-arranging a new plan with the launches. The team and I decided it was best to do a BIG launch in Spring 2022. So, what does that mean!? ...

Well, that means, no launches in 2021. It make sense not to rush into re-arranging the timeline for the rest of the year and squeeze the original plans into the last four months of 2021. And instead of planning a wider spread product launch, the new collection will be launched along with three other fabulously exclusive products. Have you got your diary ready!? April 10th 2022, this is the new Fabulous Date for the BIG Frantasia Haze Collection and Product Launch and I couldn't be more excited for this Spring date! This launch is not one to be missed!

It will be busy in the Studio now over the next few months running up to the launch, making sure everything will be ready with the new collection and product launches. I will have plenty to keep you posted on over the next couple of months, so remember to keep up to date with what's going on at the Studio! Bring on Spring 2022 ...

Well I very much enjoyed that Coffee and Cake and already looking forward to the next one, thanks for joining me... Speak soon!

L x


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