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A BIG 2022 Studio Hello

A BIG 2022 Hello from the Studio! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday and New Year break. After a wonderful Christmas holiday and welcoming 2022, it was straight back into a busy Studio from January and preparing for a New Year of more creativeness and fabulous floral's.

January has started with more creative work on the new collection, with continued Azalea illustrations developing into design elements. This is one of my favourite parts of the design process, I always end up sketching and designing more illustrations than needed because I have so many ideas and adore working on my floral studies. But I always say, better to have too many ideas and be enjoying your work than not! Don't you think!?

So, the work in the Studio is coming together well and the new collection of design elements are starting to develop beautifully...

It's been wonderful to be back in the Studio and bringing the next collection together with my Art Nouveau twist and I am looking forward to seeing the full collection together with this new Frantasia Haze Style, and of course to hear what my fabulous customers and followers think.

We are looking at an early Summer launch for the new collection. With having a baby, now 8 months old, I haven't had as much free time to bring the launch any sooner, I have been enjoying the Mama days and precious snuggles... While in between working on the 2022 collection... And the rest of the to do list, I decided to relax on the timelines... Why not!?

Over the next few weeks it's all about the illustrations, getting the elements finished and bringing them together in pattern design. Along with finalising the colour palette, I always love that part! As my designs develop I will keep you posted as we get closer to the new collection launch ... Very exciting!

You will also be seeing developments across the website over February with a refreshed 2022 new look. The next few weeks are super busy ... Best get going!

Speak soon,

L x


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